In talking to people, it has come to light that there is a bit of confusion over who can vote.

It is so important that everyone take the time to come out and vote. We realize that many voters have a distance to travel and we appreciate your effort. Change cannot happen without involvement.

General eligibility to vote in a rural municipality (according to the Local Government Election Act, 2015) is that you are a Canadian citizen, 18 years of age and any of the following:

  1. Have lived in the RM (or land now in the RM) for at least three consecutive months preceding the election day.
  2. Be the registered owner of property in the RM (or land now in the RM). If you own land/property in more than one Division, you vote for the candidate in the Division where the assessment is highest.
  3. Be the assessed person with respect to the property situated in the RM (or property now in the RM).
  4. Be the occupant of a trailer/mobile home in the RM (or land now in the RM) that is object of a permit required.
  5. Be the spouse of an eligible voter.
  6. Be the chief executive officer of a duly incorporated cooperative, corporation or religious association that is assessed on the last revised assessment roll with respect to property that is not exempt from taxation.
  7. Photo Identification is required for proof of your identity. If it does not contain your land location, you will need to also bring your Tax Assessment or your power bill (current within 6 months) to show land location in the RM. Canadian passport alone is not acceptable as it does not show address, although it can be paired with another document that shows address. If you do not have any photo identification, two other pieces of information, as long as both contain your name and at least one contains your address, will be accepted.
  8. Vouching will be allowed if you are accompanied by an eligible voter. An eligible voter can only vouch for one person unless they are all immediate family members living at the same address. Forms at polling stations.

Election Day: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2022
(9 am – 8 pm)

Advance Polls: Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022
(10 am – 4 pm)

Turtleford Community Centre

If you need help in determining your eligibility to vote, please get in touch with us.

Ken Hergott for Division 4